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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why Wont this flash work.

Hi I inharited my pop pop's camera a Minolta Maxxum 7000. with this came the flash a Starblitz 3600DFM. It can be attached and un attached. I have fallen in love with photography but for some reason I cannot take photos with the flash. The flash simply does not work I have given it new batteries and cleaned the inside but still nothing. What else can I try? if any answers E-mail me at thank you.
Truely yours

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April 03, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  If the flash won't trigger with it's built-in push-to-test button but the ready light comes on, chances are it's either a bad flash tube, bad trigger circuit, or something else wrong internally. Maybe someone else around here knows the Starblitz and whether it's worth fixing or whether it might be time to just get a new flash. Bout all I could suggest is take it to a camera repair shop and let them check it out if they work on flash units.

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April 03, 2005

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