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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Ric Henry

Backing up photos on Photoshop Elements 3.0


I have Photoshop Elements 3.0 and I want to backup my photos after I have taken some pictures. I have been do that but every time I do it the pictures are on the disc and then the disc closes the session and I can't add any more pictures. So now I have 5 or 6 CD's with 30 to 50 pictures on each. I want the disc to fill up with pictures and then close the session. Can someone help me with this are is it not possible.



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March 30, 2005


  Hello Ric , are you using your CD Burner to back them up or you doing them throught PSE .the way I have been doing them I keep my original photos in seprate folder and what I work on in other and I just use my cd burner to burn them from the folder with out going through ps ,and if you are using the right cd you usually can add or erase date from there with out problem not sure if this would help but I try best of luck .

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April 02, 2005

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