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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Clayton Hogston

Problems with Canon Elan 7e film advance

I purchased the Canon Elan 7e with the Canon Ultrasonic 28-105mm lens three years ago and have never had a problem until now. After loading a new roll of film and installing new batteries, the film advance stopped midway when I tried to take a picture. I could close the shutter by turning the camera off. So I tried to take more pictures and got the same result each time (film advance stopped midway and the battery indicator was flashing low). Each time I turned the camera off then back on it showed the battery as fully charged. So, thinking it could be bad batteries (somehow) I bought a different brand at a different store. Same result when trying to take another picture. There are so many settings on the camera, did I accidently change one that could cause this? Any suggestions?

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March 19, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  Clayton: That is a very strange problem. I think you will need to get a lab to open the camera back and physically remove the film.

That will ruin the roll, of course.

It sounds like a problem with that roll of film and not the camera.

Peter Burian

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March 19, 2005


Jon Close
  This can happen if the camera senses that a lens is attached, but cannot communicate electronically with it. The mirror will flip up and the camera will "lock" - the shutter won't open and the film won't advance. A second press of the shutter button, or removing/reinstalling the batteries restores the camera functions (but doesn't solve the problem).

Take the lens off and make sure it's, and the camera's electrical contracts are clean. Reattach the lens, making sure it is fully mounted and the locking pin clicks in. If it happens again there is likely a fault/damage in the lens. :-(

You should be able to remove the film wihtout ruining it by pressing the mid-roll rewind button. If custom function #2 is set to "1" and the exposure mode is in the "Creative Zone" (P, Tv, Av, M) then the film will be rewound with the leader out so that you can later reload it and finish the roll.

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March 20, 2005


Clayton Hogston
  I'm sorry that I didn't get back to you in the past few months but I've been using my digital camera in the meantime. I took my Canon Elan 7e to the camera shop and they noticed right away that one of the shutter "leaves" had been pulled out of the "box" (Sorry, I don't know the proper names for these things). They said this is a common occurance when loading film. It took two seconds to fix and now the camera works just fine. Thanks for your suggestions anyway, I did appreciate your responce.


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September 13, 2005

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