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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Gordon T. Garrison

Flash Cards: Losing Images

I had trouble losing images on my flash card. I had downloaded the images before I found out that they were lost when I tried to print them. Can I use that card again? And how many times can we use a flash card?

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March 15, 2005


Peter K. Burian
  You can re-use a memory card hundreds of times and probably thousands of times.
Once you know that you are ready to delete all images from the card, use the camera's FORMAT function. That is the best way to permanently delete images from a card. It also ensures trouble-free performance with the card in the future.
NOTE: Do NOT format a camera's memory card using your computer's Format function. Use only the camera's Format function.
Cheers! Peter Burian

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March 19, 2005


Gordon T. Garrison
  Peter, Thank you. Gordon

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March 20, 2005

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