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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

lost pictures

I can take a whole roll of film in the same area and not change any of the settings on my camera. Then when I get the film developed, most of the time almost half of the pictures don't come out. The negative is just blank. What could be the cause of this?

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March 15, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Could be that the shutter is sticking. Open the back of your camera, with no film loaded, and shoot several frames to see if the shutter opens every time.

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March 16, 2005


Kix Pix
  Possibly it's bad film. Is it the same film as the ones that do come out?

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March 22, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Are the ones that don't come out being shot with a flash? Knowing what kind of camera this is would be helpful to us. Or, before continuing to shoot with that camera, unless you know how to run some basic tests, I'd just take it to a camera repair shop and let them check it out along with the lens you're using to make sure the shutter speeds, synch, f-stops on your lens and built-in light meter, if any, are all operating correctly. It shouldn't cost more than a few bucks to have that checked and even diagnosed.

I don't think bad film is the problem. Either the whole roll is bad or it isn't. Get the rig checked and let us know what you find out. Take it light.

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March 24, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  BTW: If you look at the negatives and the first part of the roll is fine, followed by a very dark or obscured frame, then blank, my guess would be something wrong in your film transport mechanism. E.g., the film advance gearing or perhaps your film rewind is disengaging the take-up spool and it's just free-wheeling after x number of frames. A camera check should disclose that too. ;>)

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March 24, 2005

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