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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Sara L. Pulver

Nikon Lite Touch Zoom 105 AF Not Working!

I just bought this Nikon Lite Touch Zoom 105 AF on ebay, put a new battery in, put film in, which automatically advanced and....low and behold, camera won't turn on! Nothing, zip, nadda. The battery must be good, because everytime I take it out and put it back in it advances the film more, but I can't get the darn thing to power up. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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March 13, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  EBAY requests its customers to write FEEDBACK to the camera dealer---and since the camera you bought is malfunctioning ---immediately write a NEGATIVE feedback to the dealer of the Nikon compact camera ( unless he indicates that your camera includes warranties or a TOTAL REFUND if found defective ). Those surfing EBAY will then be warned of the dealer's reputation. Inform EBAY of the predicament and have some action taken for the insidious dealer you dealt with. Remember EBAY will make sure you're getting your bucks' worth!

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March 14, 2005


Sara L. Pulver
  Oh buddy, you are so right...except that I failed to see "as is" and "ask questions" first skim, it looked like he had checked it all out and was in working condition, but I was wrong and it's not his fault.

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March 15, 2005

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