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Photography Question 


Dumb question about my speedlite

At the back of my speedlite I have a button. I can switch it to a green dot or to an arrow with H next to it (I am assuming High Sync).

I don't really understand the differences between these, which one should I have it on when I am taking portraits outdoors/indoors in normal conditions?

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March 06, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  If the H is for Hign Sync, it will allow you to sync at a higher speed than your camera normally would. The flash will give several small bursts instead of one single burst. However, it will cut down on the effective distance quite a bit.

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March 06, 2005


  Thanks Kerry,

I did a photo shoot yesterday and some where shot at 1/500 as I wanted an apperture of 4.5 and as the sun was going down it went down to 1/90. I think I had it set on the green dot for some of the photos, and then switched it over to the High Sync mode for some as I didn't know what to set it at (I have only just got my speedlite and the manual assumes you know how to use it!) I noticed that sometimes the flash didn't go off all the time, which is why I switched it over.

In your professional opinion, what should I have had it on? Green dot or High Sync? I only used the flash for a little fill flash to illuminate their faces (I suppose I could of just used a reflector), as I had the sun behind to the left of my subjects (filtered by trees) to give a nice glow to the side of them and their hair, but wanted to make sure their faces weren't dark.

Sorry - still learning everything! Will post some photos for opinions when I get a chance to scan them.

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March 06, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Since I don't own a flash with a High Sync option, I have to use regular flash. I would have switched to manual flash and set it at 1/2 power.

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March 07, 2005

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