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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Michael Marriello

Shutter button stuck on my SRT-101

First the shutter button on my Minolta SRT-101 got stuck, then the self-timer also got stuck.
But the film advance still works.


No, there was and is no film in the camera.

Can it be fixed ? Should it be fixed ? Will it cost a fortune ?

Because I'm a very poor college student and soon to be Photo Major and NEED my camera.

Thanks so much,



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March 03, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Sounds to me like the camera needs a CLA (clean, lubricate and adjust). The question is whether it is worth it. The SRT-101 is a fine camera but you may be able to buy a replacement cheaper than you can fix it.

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March 04, 2005

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