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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

How do you calibrate your moniter?

Hello! I was wondering, how does one calibrate their moniter? I didn't think I was having any troubles with my moniter but once I got on my girlfriend's computer who just recently had her moniter replaced, some of my pictures looked a lot better. I have a Dell Flat Panel LCD moniter and so does she. The main picture I noticed it on was one of my flute pictures in my gallery. When I look at it on my computer, it apprears a little greenish than goldish, but it looks perfect on hers, it looks just like the 14x9 print I have of it on my wall. So, anyway, how do I calibrate my moniter? Thanks for your help!

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February 27, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  anybody have a response to this? the color is really bugging me...

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March 06, 2005


Vince Warwick
  I use SpyderPro2 which is quite simple calibration tool for monitors however they do cost around £90.00 $196 but well worth it.

try this website

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March 17, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery
  I have the same thing. SpyderPro2 Very easy to use.

... After calibration put my monitor through the test, it became apparent that I needed a better monitor for photography. The one I have is just an el-cheapo. The sony G-series is what I am replacing it with.

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March 17, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  I wonder if you can hire someone to callibrate your monitor? If there is who might I call?

I have a sony 19" flat screen and I am having major issues. I wonder if it is the flat verses a normal screen. Has anyone had any issues using a flat screen?

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March 17, 2005

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