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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Traveling with a Camera

I'm going to be traveling soon and want to take my new camera with me. However, I'm not comfortable carrying my camera bag around with me when I get there, and it'll be too cold for me just to carry the camera by its strap. Do you have any suggestions on how to carry my camera inconspicuously while being gentle to the body and lens?
Also, are there any particular precautions I need to take about shooting when the weather's in the 20s and 30s?Thanks.

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February 17, 2005


doug Nelson
  Domke and at least one other company sell camera wraps, nothing more than a square piece of well-padded cloth with Velcro securing pieces at the corners. This is a versatile way to pad camera with lens, camera body alone or lens alone, depending on the size of wrap used. This frees you to use a beat-up, inconspicuous bag or purse that looks like anything BUT an expensive camera bag. I know someone who carries $3000 worth of Leicas and lenses in a pink diaper bag - a bit extreme, but he's never had a bag snatched. In cold weather, carry extra batteries and keep them warm in a pocket. Try to adjust your camera gradually to temperature extremes, or, at least, let it acclimate to cold or heated buildings before trying to use it, or you may get condensation on lenses.

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February 18, 2005


  You may also check out the soft pouches from Op-Tech. They have so many options.

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February 18, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  How about a simple backpack? It takes longer to pull stuff out, but they are great for those long hikes between shots. They are inconspicuous, "snatch-proof", and can hold a lot of gear.

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February 19, 2005


  i have a Pelican, and it's been absolutely great in all kinds of bad weather!

(doug--i think the 'pink diaper bag' may be more about keeping your expensive gear unidentifiable -- like carrying your laptop or something).

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February 22, 2005


Karma Wilson
  Well, I bought a nice little SLR bag which was fine until I got a really nice lens. The lens would no WAY fit in the bag, especially on the camera. I then remembered an old camcorder I had laying around. It was one of those MAMMOTH models from the early nineties! I took it out of the bag and stuck in my camera w/ good lens. It's great too because the bag says in bold "CAMCORDER" on it--in other words--too old and crummy to steal! I like the diaper bag idea as well. Ha ha!


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February 22, 2005

- Fax Sinclair

BetterPhoto Member
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  I use coolers. Mostly a soft-sided 6-pak carrier. It's padded, insulated and looks like someone's picknic.
When I need to bring everything I use a hard cool chest.

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February 23, 2005

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