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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Problem with AE-1 camera focusing screen.

Hello all or none or what have you.

I'm having a slight problem with my focusing screen. I only just found out what that was.

I inherited this AE-1 camera from my dad and it's served me well (I'm currently still quite the beginner, most photography of mine that I like can be found here: ) Anyway, one day I went to take a picture of something and I noticed a black dot in the viewfinder. I cleaned the lens and it was still there.

Upon further investigation and so on, I found out there was some grody black foam braking up and getting on the focusing screen. Trying to get rid of it only caused black smudged which are now firmly lodged in the screen.

And woe of woes! I dearly love this camera. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could possibly clean it? Please help! Thank you.

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February 15, 2005


  I got this happened on my AT-1 and just like you, the more I try to clean it, the more smear I got on the focusing screen. I have to send it out for cleaning. I used to send it to Cameraclinic for the overhaul. When the camera came back, it was like new. All the seals and foam parts were replaced. All the lenses (I sent in 3 lenses for inspection) and screen were cleaned. The best part was it only cost me $89. That was about 3 years ago. But now I try to find that place again, it's not there any more. But if you search on "camera repair", you should find a lot on the net. If you really want to keep the camera, I think it is worth to send it out to have it done by the professional. Hope this helps.

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February 15, 2005

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