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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Darkroom Chemicals

How can you tell when darkroom chemicals; Dektol, Stop and fixer are no longer good?

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February 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  If in doubt, throw it out.

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February 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Dektol will turn dark brown when it ages, and the stop bath will turn purple (this is why it's called "indicator" stop). You can use either until they turn colors, although you don't want to save the Dektol after a printing session. At the end of your printing session, toss out the Dektol even if it has not changed colors. Be sure to mix them appropriately for your trays - mix Dektol 1:2 for tray developing from your stock bottle solution.
Fix is hard to tell because it doesn't change colors or lose its wonderful aroma. It's been so long since I was in a wet darkroom, but there are little test strips you can buy to test your hypo on occasion, but as a very general rule, you can use two fix baths - the first with older fix, and the second with new. Then throw out the first, and make your second your new 'first', and add a new second.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 11, 2005

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