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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Carlo June J. Panila

Canon Photura's 10 Elements in 9 Groups

I have long heard and read about Canon Photura's reputation as a one-of-a-kind point-and-shoot camera.

While it has been there since the 1990s, it is unfortunate that it is only this year, 2005 (!!!), that I was able to get hold of this cam. I was able to get it for only $52 from a guy whose sister works in the US.


My problem now is that the previous owner lost the cam's manual. I diligently searched the web for free manuals of the cam, but I could not find any that is for free.

My primary concern is this: From a website (,
I read one of the following specs of the Photura:

"35-105mm f/2.8-6.6 (10 elements in 9 groups)."

I noticed that there indeed is a portion of the cam where one can choose 9 or 10 modes. My problem is (since I do not have a manual), I have no idea what these 9 or 10 modes are and their INDIVIDUAL effects on the photo.

I wish you could help me by telling me what these modes are and what their
effects would be in the photo, if selected.

What are these 10 elements and 9 groups? What do they do? What are their individual effects?

I will be very grateful for your response/s. Thanks.

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January 31, 2005


Jon Close
  "10 elements in 9 groups" is just a general description of the lens construction. It specifies the total number of individual optical glass pieces in the lens (elements), and how they are arranged (a group is either a single element, or 2+ elements cemented together). It is for comparison purposes only, and has nothing to do with the operation of the camera.

I'm not particularly familiar with the operation of this camera. I could be wrong, but I think it is fully automatic with only a selection of no-flash, flash (standard high speed sync at shutter speeds of 1/100 to 1/250), and slow-sync flash (longer shutter speeds to balance background and flash-lit subject exposure). My search turned up user manuals for less than $10. Money well spent I think. ;-)

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February 01, 2005


Carlo June J. Panila
  Salamat. (Filipino for "Thanks.") :)

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February 06, 2005

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