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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Where do you find a blind?

I am exploring nature/wildlife photography. To get the type of quality close up images, a blind seems to be the way go. Who makes a decent blind that works well, and is easily transported into the beautiful back country? Rob M.

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January 27, 2005



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January 27, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Hunting store might be cheaper than from a photo place.

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January 27, 2005


Dan Smith
  walmar has them in the hunting section/ they are rolled up in a bag /if they dont have them localy try hope this helps....

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January 29, 2005


Jeanne Griffith
Rob, I made a blind to photograph sandhill cranes. This type of blind might work depending where you are photographing. I sandwiched plastic and native grasses between rabbit fencing and secured with cable ties. When stood up it looks like a small 1/2 circle,like a quonset. I made the ends the same, one end with a hole for the lens. You use the cable ties to put them on at the site. The blind rolls up to put in the back of a pickup. It is light enough for me to handle myself, and with the native grasses the blind is very difficult to see in the areas I put it in. I have been thinking about trying the small, camo pop-up blinds around. I found one at Sportsman's Guide. I am just not sure if that would work for me, as the cranes are extremely wary birds. The price is right, so I might give it a try. I leave the blind in the fields for several weeks during the migration. I see that you want to go into the backcountry, so this might not be the right type of blind for you.

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January 30, 2005

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