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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 


Caring for Camera Gear When Traveling

I am going to Chicago in April and have heard the security equipment the airports use can be bad for cameras and equipment. What can I do to protect my camera while on my trip? Any advice would be great. Thank you.

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January 27, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I don't know of any danger to the equipment itself, but the X-ray equipment can be bad on film, especially fast film (ISO 800 and up). If you have any concerns, just ask them to hand-inspect your camera bag rather than running it through the machine. They are usually cooperative. It might be best not to have your camera loaded with film in case they would like to open it.

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January 27, 2005


Jon Close
  Keep film with you in your carry-on. The X-rays used on checked luggage is much stronger than the carry-on scanners and will fog any speed film. Rather than asking for hand inspection for the whole camera bag (which is likely to be refused), have the film in a clear Ziploc bag that can easily be inspected and let the camera bag go through the scanner. Sometimes inspectors will insist that ISO 800 and slower film go through the scanner. Have a couple rolls of TMAX 3200P in the bag to tip the scales in your favor for hand inspection. X-rays have no effect on digital cameras and flash memory. Put them through the X-ray scanner.

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January 28, 2005


Lucy S. Durfee
  I keep all my film in a small dry bag and request hand inspection, and send my camera bag through the X-ray scanner like Jon recommends. Most of the time the inspector will insist that film up to ISO 800 can go through the machine, but I say to him/her that I'm a professional photography and I don't want to take any chances. I've never been refused hand inspection. But be prepared to wait 10-20 minutes while they open each canister and test it with the cloth.
Lucy D.

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February 01, 2005


Sherwood P. Larkin
  You also should keep in mind the danger one of those magnetic wands can do to your digital media. The Xrays harm the film and the wands can wipe out a memory card. Be alert to what the security are doing.

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February 01, 2005

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