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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New camera....Minolta how to.......????

I just bought a Minolta x 370 from Ebay with inspection everything seems to be working plus I bought a minaul for it as well. But I don't have the manual yet. My question is how do I open it up to load the film??? I just can't figure it out.
Thanks Email me with

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December 18, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Not sure of the Minolta, but most cameras have a reccessed button on the left side that you push in and slide to open the camera back to load the film.

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December 19, 2004


Jon Close
  If you can cancel the order for the manual, do so. It can be downloaded free from
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December 19, 2004


Jon Close
  Sorry, jazzed up the link again.
The manual can be downloaded free from

In the meantime, like most older manual 35mm SLRs, the back is opened by pulling up on the film rewind crank/knob on the top left side.

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December 19, 2004

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