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Photography Question 

Andrea E. Martinez

closeup filters

Hello, I bought the Hoya closeup set that comes in +1,+2,+4. I am using it with my Sigma 70-300mm macro APO lens and my 18-55mm lens. When I put the lenses on, one at a time, I cannot see anything and it will not focus. It is a complete blurr. HELP! I tried putting the lens in macro mode, AF, MF, everything, differente appertures, etc...and is still really blurry. Even at 10 feet distance from subject. Any suggestions?

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December 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  You cannot focus on anything at a distance with those close-up filters attached.
Get in real close to your subject and you will see it come into focus. Your depth of field will be much more shallow so only your "critical points" will be sharp.

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December 02, 2004


Andrea E. Martinez
  But the problem is with my 70-300mm lens, the focusing distance is 4.9 feet. Does that matter? don't I have to be at least that much away from the subject?

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December 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  No,...You can get much closer than 4.9 feet,...depending upon how many of the filters you stack.

Assuming that you have an SLR, try setting your lens manually to the minimum focus distance (4.9 feet). Then, attach one or more of the filters and move your camera in closer and closer until you see something focused while looking through the viewfinder.
The easiest way I know of to perform this simple test is to use a printed page from a book or magazine. When you can read the text clearly looking through your viewfinder, you've reached the focal point of that particular close-up filter.
You will probably notice that the areas surrounding dead-center are a little fuzzy. This is normal for these close-up accessories and you should compose your critical components as close to the center of the frame as possible for best results.

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December 02, 2004


Andrea E. Martinez
  Ok, thanks so much for your help Bob, I will try that, but I really thought everything would come out clear, so I might exchange them for an extension tube or something else...
thanks again for your help!

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December 03, 2004

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