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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 


Has anyone had to have their EOS Rebel serviced.

I just purchased the EOS Digital camera for Christmas. I purchased a 5 year extended warranty for $89.00. This is a very expensive camera and wasn't sure of its reliability. Has anyone had to service their canon digital camera? I still have five days to return the warranty. Thanks.

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November 30, 2004


Chris R.
  Likewise I just purchased a an EOS Didital SLR and took an extended warranty for two years as I intend to keeo this camera longer than the two previous digitals I had. Incidentally, neither of these camera gave me any trouble which could not be solved by a a toll free call to the manufacturer which was Kodak.

I feel sure that Canon (in my case Canon Canada), will support their product. I have already been in touch with them regarding the software which came with my EOS and they were most helpful. Make sure your are registered with Canon and if you have any problems call them so at least you will have a case file on record.

Not sure what you mean by 5 days to return the warranty?

Hope this helpful and I am sure if any reader has had problems with the EOS they will give you details.


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December 01, 2004


  Thanks Chris for your feedback. I decided to return the extended warranty and use the money towards purchasing a Canon 70-300mm Image Stabilizer lense. Canon has a great rebate on this camera plus the lenses if purchased between 10/15/04 and 1/31/06. The rebate on these two items
is $230. This is a great deal because the 70-300 lense cost $400 and with the rebate will only cost you about $200. Hope your within the rebate eligibility. Check out Canon's website.

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December 02, 2004

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