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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Add Olympus D510 imaging device

My computer crashed, and I lost my capability to transfer images from my Olympus D510. I've also lost the CD which setup my computer. I have used a USB port connection in the past. Can anyone advise me on whether an image transfer program is available through a download, or if there are other options for transferring the photos from my card to the computer?

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November 27, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  I'd first try to restore to a date when things worked right. Then I'd see about downloading the software for your camera from the manufacture's site. Personally, it is easier for me to just use a card reader, which I can leave plugged into the computer, without having to constantly try to attach cables when I wish to upload from the camera. Also with the card reader, it is easy to take the installation disk and be able to use it to upload images to other computers of your family and friends. Good luck which-ever path you choose!

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November 27, 2004

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