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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

problem with equipment

I use a Nikon n50. The auto focus stops functioning everytime I switch from the makro lens to the normal lens. The makro lens is a sigma. On earlier occasions, I did something and the auto focus came back but I can't for the life of me figure it out this time! Apart from focusing on infinity, focus is simply not functioning, even on the manual mode. Help!

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November 12, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Its time you get a BETTER Nikon AF camera body! The N50 AF model was recently PHASED OUT by Nikon to let novice and amateurs buy the Nikon N55, N65 and N75. Sell your N50, surf at EBAY for STEALS of the N65 or N75 bodies which sell for less than $200! Then select the Nikkor lens ( standard, G or D AF lenses or zoom lenses ) from the "Lenses" category---most prices are really BARGAINS! Then you're off to enjoy AF Film photography!

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November 15, 2004


Michelle Ross
  Hi Amit. . . What Sigma Lens are you using? I am currently experiencing similar problems with my Sigma 28-80 lens and use it with my Minolta Maxxum 5 camera. I'm having difficulty with Sigma helping diagnose the problem. They keep telling me it is my camera even though the lens will not work on my son's camera either nor the one at the camera store that I asked to try it on. I've sent it in 3 times to Sigma and between them telling me it is out of warranty(it's not) and that it supposedly works fine for them I'm coming to the conclusion that my lens is hopeless at this point!

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November 16, 2004

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