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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Andy Fay

holga? You heard of it?

Ive got an holga medium format camera, and I was just wondering if any one has ever had one or knows any tips on using it? I only has one shutter speed=1/100, and two apt,f8-f11? So how can I make this work? im just trying to make some weird arty? -some thing...Please help!! Im saving up for my mamia645! But untell that this is what I got? ow yea the lense is from f1:8-50?

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November 12, 2004


Jon Close
  A very popular cheap, Russian-made "toy" camera. Do a search on "Holga" for more information.

It's a darling of the artsy-set who praise its "primitivism" and atribute cult-like reverence to the soft-focus and light-falloff (vignetting) resulting from its poorly designed lens. The numbers on the lens is not "f1:8-50" but instead are "1:8" (ie. maximum aperture is f/8) and "f=60mm", meaning it's a 60mm focal length lens giving medium wide angle view for medium format.

The exposure choice of 1/100 f/8 and 1/100 and f/11 is very limiting. Use outdoors in bright light, or attach a flash to light close subjects.

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November 12, 2004


George Anderson
  Actually, the Holga is imported from China, and wasn't designed as a toy, but as a camera for the masses, a Chinese Kodak if you will, back when 120 rollfilm was the primary film available on the mainland. The second aperture is only theoretical - the camera must be partially disassembled and modified to obtain the indicated small "sunny" aperture. I have taken many beautiful images with mine.

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July 06, 2005


Andy Fay
  Thanks, both of you guy's! I now have found many web sites on the camera, and there is an growing nuber of local professionals using the holga~ Santa Barbara, ca.. Yet the type of shots varry and the trick seems to be printing the photo's.... Does any one have photo's uploaded so that I can see?

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July 07, 2005


Jon Close
  D'oh! Chinese (Hong Kong), not Russian. My mistake.

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July 07, 2005

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