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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

troubleshooting with a minolta x-700

I am taking a photography class for school and I rented a minolta x-700 35mm camera from a local camera shop for the semester. I haven't had any problems with it so far except when I went to load the film in to take my next set of pics, the film won't advance and the shutter button seems to be broken....I don't know what could be wrong since I store it properly and keep it in a safe place while it is not in use, could anyone please help me!?!?!?!? I have picture due this coming week and need to figure this out!!

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November 10, 2004


Will Turner
  The X-700 has had a number of problems over its lifespan, most dealing with circuit boards, gearing of the film transport, and the infamous electrolytic capacitors which tend to leak and die early. Any of these could cause the X-700 to lock up.

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August 03, 2005

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