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How to unlock camera

I cannot get out of 'E' mode. My camera is locked-up. It has film in it that is aprox. half exposed. I have tried to finish the roll by fast winding. The camera will not let me do anything, completely locked up. Worst, I cannot find my manual. ANY help will be greatly appreciated.

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November 06, 2004


Jon Close
  What make/model camera?

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November 06, 2004


  Nikon N80

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November 06, 2004


Shauna Linde
  Hey there- I've got the same camera and my manual in front of me- is the message blinking in the LCD panel (on top of the camera) or the viewfinder??? And is it just "E" that flashes or "Err"??? You may have to open up the camera and pull out the film. Unfortunately you'll lose what was on it- but there is a portion in the troubleshooting section that talks about what to do if "Err and E blinks" in both the viewfinder and the LCD- it says the film isn't advanced correctly and to reload. There are other things it could be as well... but if you have tried to advance the film, it wont take pictures, wont do anything--- I don't think you have much of an option other than getting the film out and seeing what that does.
Let me know---

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November 06, 2004


Shauna Linde
  I forgot to mention that if you do end up needing to take the film out of your camera- you might be able to salvage the pictures already on the film if you try to unload it in ful darkness- like a bathroom without windows (cover the space between the door and the floor though). I've had to do this before and my pictures turned out all right.

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November 06, 2004


  Hey Shauna! Thank you so much for responding so quickly! (I've had to be a bit sporatic with this) The 'E' is the ONLY thing in the LCD panel-when the camera is OFF. When I turn it on, the 'E' will blink a few times & then stay solid. What you have told me is what I was thinking, but didn't want to lose any pictures. When you took out the film, did you try to rewind the cartridge by hand? If so, how? Or did you just try to keep it in full darkness before exposing existing pictures taken? Thanks for your help! Trish

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November 07, 2004


  Shauna, it is blinking 'E' (only, not Err) in the viewfinder too.

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November 07, 2004


  Hey, I got the film out fine...we'll see how it develops. The camera seems to be back to normal...thanks so much for your help! Trish

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November 07, 2004


Shauna Linde
  I have always just rolled up the cartridge by hand- I'm guessing you got this figured out, but in case you haven't, and you're just keeping the negs in full darkness-Go ahead and try to roll it up. The end of the film cartridge that sticks out (looks kinda like a knob) should wind up if you grasp it in one hand while holding the rest of the cartridge with the other. Just keep winding it back in until the whole thing disappears. Glad your camera is back to normal! It must have just been a film advancing issue. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. You may want to run a trial roll to see if your don't want to worry about having this problem when youve got important pictures on there!

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November 07, 2004

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