BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

K. C. Sam

Negative Scanner


I've been facing this problem for long time and I don't know how to fix it.. (check the link)

when ever I scan the negative it gives me this output...

i use to work witht his scanner.. but all of a sudden it became like this.. I tried it in other computer and re insatall it again and again and again.. but still the same..

could you help me plaes on that..

its still brand new

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October 14, 2004


doug Nelson
  Not blowin' ya off, my friend, I just don't know. What alternative settings to "Transparancy" do you have? You are scanning Fuji Superia negatives, right?
This is worth the effort, because you have an excellent scanner and the right scanning software. Have you contacted Epson? They're ususally pretty good about standing behind their products, especially a fairly new one like yours. If you figure this out before we do, let us know what the problem is, because someone else will experience it, too.

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October 15, 2004


K. C. Sam
  well I will do... and as soon as a found the solution ...

but any help .. man it kills me

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October 15, 2004

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