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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Alex Shatilov

Camera locks up

My Nikon N80 occaisionally locks up upon pressing on shutter release (the viewfinder goes black). The only remedy I have found to work is to press the shutter release again. This ruines the shot :( Any suggestions?

P.S. The camera runs on NiMH rechargeables rated at 1800 mAH

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September 19, 2004


Gordon Granger
  My N80 does the same thing ... plus I can't get it off of custom setting mode either. Can anyone help us.

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October 03, 2004


Alex Shatilov
  Gordon, have you tried the two button reset on your camera? Switch to Custom mode and press BKT and +/- buttons (marked by green dots) for 2 seconds. Should work, unless you're getting an Err message on your LCD.

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October 03, 2004


Gordon Granger
  Hi Alex,
I was getting an Error message on the LCD. Only after I removed the MB-16 battery pack for a few minutes was I able to reset CSM to factory settings. But, now I still have the shutter problem. Press shutter release .. shutter triggers 3 times rapidly and closes. Press shutter release again .. it opens, takes picture. And, I just developed film and the bottom half of all photos is either overexposed or not exposed at all. Maybe the shutter curtains are damaged???

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October 03, 2004


Shauna Linde
  Hey there- I've got an N80 and I've never had this happen on my camera... I was looking through my manual to see if it offers any suggestoins. So other than the 2 button reset to get rid of custom mode, the other problem is that theres "Err" flashing on the lcd panel or viewfinder? The manual says that a malfunction was detected (like you didn't already know!). The remedy it says is to release the shutter again, if the warning indication remains, or this warning appears frequently, contact authorized Nikon dealer or service center. Sorry if you've already read that in the manual- but I thought in case you didnt have one or didnt see that it might be helpful to know that the problem is at least IN the troubleshooting section. Maybe this is a rare problem that occurs but is serious enough to warrant explanation in the manual... good luck!

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October 03, 2004


Alex Shatilov
  Thanks Shauna!
The manual was the first thing I went through looking for answers. The answer, as you have pointed out, is there but it's not much help. I decided to start with obvious things first - the batteries. Althouh NiMH batts have a higher MaH numbers than alkaline ones, they actually turn out lower voltage: 1.2 instead of 1.4 something. So, I replaced the batts in my MB-16 with a fresh set of alkalines and fired the shutter about 200 times with no film in the camera. The problem was solved.
However, I've discovered another glitch. When the DOF button is pressed, the camera enters the ERROR state for wich there's only one remedy - releasing the shutter again.
Now, Gordon, try firing your camera with no film loaded and see what happens. Too bad you can't release the shutter with camera back open like this was possible with older, less sophisticated, equipment. That's about all there is to it. I've already made a list of repair shops in my area ;-)
Best regards...

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October 03, 2004

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