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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Kristy M. Molander

Strobe Equipment

Just a curiosity question - I was at a wedding over the weekend and the photographer forbid everyone from taking photos in the church. He said any photography other than his own could cause his strobes to explode.

I've always shot candids without interfering with the professional photographer by shooting with no flash and shooting in between his/her own shots. It seemed to me he just didn't want anyone taking photos so he could sell more pictures later on - but it's hard to believe he'd perceive me as a threat with my Canon Rebel and the on-camera flash.

I am still an amateur with little technical expertise, so I don't know.

Was just curious if there is some kind of slave out there that can be tripped by amateurs shooting with digital or SLR without flash...and what kind of equipment will explode when amateurs are lurking.

That way - when I shoot the candids at friends' weddings in the future, I can tell them to let the photographer know not to bring along such equipment.

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September 14, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  he had his slave on and didn't want other flash to set it off, more than likely. could easily have caused him to shoot when his light wasn't recharged.
he tolded you it would explode so you'd take him seriously.
Maybe he didn't want others decreasing his sales, but I highly doubt it.
Hopefully he wasn't another high-maintenence type that couldn't concentrate with another light going off.

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September 14, 2004


  God forgive him lying inside the church. Besides, it's not his church. How could he forbid anyone else taking pictures? As a courtesy, you should try not to get in his way when he is taking pictures or wait until he takes the first shot. Unless you are told by the minister not to take pictures, you have the same right as the other photographer. Just my 2 cents.

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September 14, 2004

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