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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Jim Wilson

Hand carrying a monopod on aircraft

I will be traveling to France and Italy in a couple of weeks and I only do carry-on. Has anyone had a problem, or have experience carrying on a monopod?

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August 31, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  I'd just buy one there and toss it before coming back...

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August 31, 2004


doug Nelson
  Take the head off the monopod. Collapse it as far as possible and see if it fits into your carry-on bag in a diagonal direction. I bought mine by shopping for minimum collapsible length. I've taken it on several trips to Europe and have yet to be questioned.

Save yourself a hassle and don't be tempted to joke about taking out three terrorists with your tripod.

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August 31, 2004


Paul Sajnani
  My simple solution, having used it many times on domestic as well as overseas flights; upon checking into the Airline Gate, just let the Counter person know you have it and that you'd prefer the Flight Attendents hold on it so "it doesn't get damaged in your overhead compartment." Needless to say, not only will they be happy that you're disclosing that you have a "potential weapon" but they'll gladly "keep it in a safe place for you" (thinking that they're doing YOU the favor, with their excellent customer service skills.

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September 27, 2004


Jim Wilson
  Thanks for the responses. I just returned tonight from Europe, and had no problem whatsoever with it in my carryon suitcase. Not a question, nothing.

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September 30, 2004


John Papandreou
  I had some fun traveling to New Zealand from Here in Sunny Australia
I had my tripod and Mono Pod Packed in My Suite case Diaginal. That was no prob. My carry on Case which is a metal case that is Just in Spec (by 5cm)Caused more of a prob. I was asked to have it weighed Just before boarding.
I was told it was 3 Kg over weight
and should be booked in to Luguage.
Lucky for me I and my assistaint I had
two Press passes and Customs Douuments 5 pages long listing Everthing. I was taking with me. I think the Girl, got a bit of a shock ! I was not what she expected. My docments were more offical than she was, we were suddenly bumped up the que. We boarded the plane before the first Class Passangers !!!!

If you are taking anything Photographic on a plane Get some Offical documents, A Letter, A Press Pass, Customs Documents that sort of things. Get the Customs Person to put lots of stamps on your Documents, to make then very offical.

Airline Staff Do not wan't to look bad in eyes of the Press.

Customs Officers are higher up the tree than Airline staff.

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October 04, 2004

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