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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Traci D. Brumley

Help with lighting equipment

I am not sure I would call this a problem with equipment. What I want to know: I just purchased the Nikon D70, I am new to photography, I want everything! What lighting set-up would you suggest? Mainly intrested in portrait photography, I want to purchase a lighting kit, backdrop, etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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August 20, 2004


  Hi, Kathy
Do u mean u'll spend everything when u said u want everything? Be careful when u spend a studio equipment kit or u'll end up spending your whole fortune. Obviously u had spent a fair amount on a very good camera. There's alway cheap and good stuffs out there Lights first , monolights - a good entry level is Novatron , alien bees and calumet aka bowens, then elinchron and broncolor being the best. U can buy manfrotto tripod also known as bogen in the us and later upgrade to gitzo when u can. Digital backdrops seems good for starters but I prefer muslins from lastolite. or u could buy black white or grey backgrounds for a start. U need at least 2 strobes or continuous light. One cheap ac slave flash and a short light stand for background light..Digital has the advantage of using any light source. The tunsten continuous light being very cheap compared to strobes but at the expense of melting your subject's makeup and being too hot. I started a year ago with 3 piece 2000watts Bowens mono and lastolite backgrounds. A polaris flashmeter is good compared to my minolta flashmeter V as I only used it in the studio. Outdoors, ur Nikon meter more than suffice. But a good flashmeter and ambient spot meter is useful when u upgrade to medium or large format. Hope This will be of help.

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September 28, 2004

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