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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Susan Sande

My Nikon N80 Stinks - HELP

The good news is I was able to get a used Nikon N80, Nikkor lense and Magic Lantern manual off ebay in my price range. The bad news came from a smoking home. I picked up the package at the post office, got out to my truck and opened it, excited to use it right away. Sitting there in the heat I soon realized I could smell something. Cigar smoke I think. I immediately threw away the shipping box in the nearest trash can after tearing off the mailing info. I then threw away a near brand new camera case. It stunk bad. The camera body and lense were both in their original boxes, which I have kept in ziplock bags with air fresheners. The camera body itself smells like cigar smoke and alcohol, like the person tried cleaning it. I am attempting to air it out without stinking up my entire house. Any suggestions on getting rid of the smell??? Thanks!

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August 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I hope there was a return policy!
Did the seller mention this in his ad, or was just blowing smoke up your...(well, let's go there.) :)

Have you tried out the camera to make sure it works as advertized?
Sellers on e-bay are very concerned about negative feedback. You should contact him and voice your concerns to see what his reaction will be. He may offer to refund a portion of your money or, if you're REALLY dis-satisfied, make him take it back.

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August 18, 2004

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