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Photography Question 
- Robert K. Bemus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Robert K. Bemus
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Submitting Photos for Publication

I'm thinking about submitting some of my surfing photos via CD to several surfing publications. Does anyone have any experience in getting their work published? Is it OK to send the same pictures to multiple magazines? What if two different mags published the same picture?

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November 16, 2006


Raymond H. Kemp
  First, check with the editors of the magazines and see if they accept unsolicited material. If so, check their submission requirements. Some will require that you sign a compensation agreement, which spells out the use of your material, copyrights (most are non-exclusive), and compensation. The compensation will usually vary depending on the size and location within the publication, with the cover usually commanding the highest payment.
I work for several magazines in California - all owned by the same publisher yet all have different compensation agreements, deadlines, etc. One of the publications has a password-protected FTP site for me to upload my images to. I only send low-res (72dpi) images for their review. When the editor wants to use one of my images, he or she will request the high-res version for me to send.
Once a magazine publishes you over a period of time, many will dub you a "contributing" photographer, and usually your name will grace the editorial credits of every issue even if your work is not in that particular issue. And in some cases, "contributors" are compensated at a higher rate than non-contributors. As a contributor, I receive a monthly "shopping list" of upcoming photo needs from the art director. This allows me the opportunity to pull from my stock or go out and shoot the image needed.
As far as submitting to multiple publications, if your agreement allows for it, then you will be free to do so. However, as a courtesy, you may want to advise your publications that the image has also been submitted to others. For instance, I’m under contract as a freelance photographer for the St. Louis Post Dispatch. However, the publishing company that owns the St. Louis Post also owns numerous other newspapers, and some serve the same area as the Post. So I always ask my editor to inform me ASAP if he plans to use any of my images so it allows me the opportunity to submit the work to the other papers without the risk of the same image embarrassingly showing up in both publications ... something that my editor has clearly expressed he never wants to see.
Good luck on your quest!

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November 17, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Robert. You ought to score a copy of Photographers Market, published by Writers Digest Press. That'll give you a lot of publications, names of editors including photo editors or art directors/creative types, and generally or specifically people to submit to. There's also some useful info about the editorial biz and other good stuff.
As far as multiple submissions go, this gets to be a sticky issue with some editors/publications. Either their submission guidelines will usually tell you whether they're OK with multiples or not - or, as Ray mentioned, the photo editor will essentially sanction you to submit the photos they're reviewing or have reviewed to other periodicals.
Always be aware of those submission guidelines BEFORE you start sending work in. They give you the format, what they may be looking for, how they want the images submitted, tell you how long they may need to keep them under review, sizing requirements, etc.
And before you send your work into anyone, make sure your work is properly tagged with your copyright logo and get the work registered using the forms available at
Oh, BTW, if there's a publication you want to start shooting for, ask them to send you a copy of their editorial calendar that'll have a list of articles for the coming months or calendar year. :>)
Lotta luck.

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November 17, 2006

- Robert K. Bemus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Robert K. Bemus
Robert K. Bemus's Gallery
  Thank you very much, Ray and Mark!! This helps a lot!!

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November 18, 2006

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