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Category: Holidays & Special Event Photography

Photography Question 

Amanda M. Freese

Airports and Your Camera

This isn't a problem (yet), but I was wondering about airport screening and your gear. I will be taking my camera as a carry-on and, of course, it will have to go through the X-ray scanner. I wanted to make sure nothing would happen to it or the CF cards in my bag. Any tips or pointers anyone has would be so greatly appreciated. :) Thanks!

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February 27, 2008


Corinne M. Thompson
  From everything I've read and heard, it isn't a problem. I recently flew from Houston to Chicago, on American and the screener had me take my camera out of the camera bag and give it to him, and he handed it right back to me after I walked through. My bag went onto the belt with all my extra cards, and they all work fine. Have a great trip!

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February 27, 2008


David A. Bliss
  I have taken my DSLR as a carry-on many times, with no ill effects. I have a camera pack that fits nicely (sometimes nicely with some mashing) in the overhead. I have only once had a screener take pause. He called over his supervisor, who took a look at the X-ray, then looked at me and said, "Nice gear, how long you been shooting..." I do always pack my tripod in my checked bag, simply because not only is it unwieldly, but I don't want to have issues with something they may consider a weapon.
X-rays will not hurt your flash card or your camera.

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February 28, 2008


doug Nelson
  The only danger to your photo gear is theft from checked baggage. Both Airline baggage handlers, and, less often, TSA people have been caught stealing from passengers' luggage.

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February 28, 2008


Amanda M. Freese
  Thank you guys so much!

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February 28, 2008


R K Stephenson
  Hi, Amanda,
One more bit of advice (and this goes for computers, too): Be sure to go through the magnetometer after your gear has started through the X-ray. And, don't put the gear on the conveyor for the X-ray until you're actually ready to go through the X-ray.
A lot of cameras and computers are lost by people not being aware of where their gear is as they're going through TSA.

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February 28, 2008


Stephanie M. Stevens
  The only problem I ever had taking my equipment through security was with my lens cleaner, with all their new rules about liquids, they took it out to check. They gave it back, no problem, but it was kind of a hassle.

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March 01, 2008


R K Stephenson
  Hi, Stephanie,

There are stations at the entrance to TSA inspection points that offer plastic bags. If you take all liquids out of your carry-on and put them in one of the plastic bags you will sail through.



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March 03, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Amanda;

Everyone is correct. I have traveled to Africa and Central America and have never had a problem with the X-ray. I've never had to take my camera out of my bag either. Only one time they had to "hand" check the bag but that was because they didn't know what they were looking at. Other than that, its been no problem and treated just like any other carry on.

Laura S.

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March 04, 2008


Chad E. Lue Choy
  Hi Amanda,

I've travelled to Asia, Europe and the US and have never had any issues with my digital gear or memory cards.

One thing to remember is to remove your lens cleaning solution from your camera bag and put it in your checked luggage or in your plastic 3-1-1 ziploc bag.


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March 04, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Hey Amanda, I travel a ton with the my equipment, including checking 3 HUGE suitcases full of strobes/softboxes/power cords.
1. NEVER let your laptop go through w/out you watching
2. Always bring sandwich size ziplocks(thrown away too many lens cleaners)
3. Keep the camera bag well organized and they let it fly through the checkpoint...and I carry 2 Quantums sometimes.
4. Plan on 15 extra minutes because my bags are so packed through security they always check and the batteries show weird on the screener.
5. Bring a Hot model...they talk to her and let you walk through...this doesn't always work but its better than a guy in a suit asking what I do.jk

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March 05, 2008


Amanda M. Freese
  ha ha . .. that's really funny Oliver..
Well Im actually going to check my laptop (I think) and then carry on my camera bag- it just feels really funny passing it through the little xray machine thing. . .

This has all been so helpful!


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March 05, 2008


R K Stephenson
  Hi, Amanda,

If you're checking the laptop due to concerns about the x-ray, it isn't a problem. My laptop has been through several hundred x-rays with no problems. ;^)

I would not recommend checking camera body's, lenses or laptops anywhere at any time.

By the way, a number of manufacturers are making camera backpacks with built-in laptop compartments.



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March 05, 2008


Amanda M. Freese
  no, now that I called the Military flight terminal I will be carrying on my laptop and my camera bag. so both will be with me.

and thanks for the tips. .

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March 05, 2008


Airport X-ray used to be a scourge for chemical photo films. Especially in 3rd World countries, as they used the old, redundant high-dose X-ray machines that had been replaced in the west with advanced low-dose X-ray machines. If your films were 'touched' you had bluish 'veils' in all your images! In those days I had 3 lead lined bags to hold my exposed films, my unexposed films, and my (loaded) camera.

But the image quality of DIGITAL photo files is NOT affected by X-ray! So your camera and memory cards run no risks in that respect.

The security of your valuable gear should be your biggest concern when travelling, imo.

Have fun!

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March 06, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Could also be seen as an Excellent time to trade up to a better laptop.....once again turning negatives into positives.

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March 06, 2008


  X-rays no problem. The screeners sometimes are carless so keep an eagle eye on them.
The only problem I ever ran into was flying to Europe when I put my gear in the overhead ,because I was in sitting at the exit, some German man smashed my bag over to the side wall and tried to shoved his oversized bag into an imposible fit. I said "hey, thats expensive camera equipment in there" and the stewardess jumped in to help him find a better spot. Luckily I had good padding.

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March 07, 2008

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