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Category: Photo Equipment Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Sabrina C. Salter

How Important are Scanners?

I have a question about going digital. I plan to keep using my film camera (Canon Rebel 2000) and I want to use Photoshop to enhance my pictures, how many pixels do you need for a nice 8 by 10?
I know my scanner isn't the greatest - (hp scanjet 4500c). Can you scan a great picture and have it come out great digitally if your scanner isn't the best?
I don't know much about this scanner only that the highest setting it will go is 600dpi. I don't want to waste hours in Photoshop and then get it printed to only come out looking like doodooo.(It's happened before!)
I appreciate any responses!

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March 04, 2004


doug Nelson
  I guess we're talking 4 x 6's from the photo store. This will only work for the ones with a full range of light and dark, not the ones where the sky is all whited out. OK, scan these at 600. In Photoshop, go to Image/Image Size, check Constrain Proportions, and UN check Resample. Enter 10 inches as the image length. The resolution, which Photoshop will calculate for you, should read maybe 300 or more. That's what you need for a good 8 x 10.

Now go to Image/Adjust/Levels. Bring the triangles on the bottom line in until they just touch the foot of the little hill on each side. See if this doesn't make sense to you. Go to Filters/Sharpen/Unsharp Mask and enter 100, 1 and 3 for the three settings. Go to File/Print and it should print out nicely on an HP or any other inkjet printer, using the printer maker's photo quality paper.

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March 04, 2004


Sabrina C. Salter
  Thanks Doug!

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March 04, 2004

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