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Category: Photo Equipment Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Kalina J. Rumbalski

Storage for Lighting Equipment

I just got a big lighting package with many light modifers. I don't have a studio and need good a storage system. The lights need to be easy to transport because I do a lot of on location shoots.

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April 30, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  If you need to just store the light modifiers you got, try the boxes everything came in. For transport cases, look at Lightware cases; B&H seems to always have the best prices on them. These cases come in different sizes. They're lightweight but extremely sturdy and well-made with more than sufficient padding to protect any lighting equipment from most hits. The fabric is extremely durable with tough zippers and their interiors that can be fixed or adjusted with various inserts. I've used these cases for years both for my monolights and pack systems, and they're excellent. A tad pricey, but then what's a lamp head worth, right??
Take it light.

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April 30, 2006

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