![]() Jessica Grande |
What Lens Is Best to Capture Human Iris? I need to get equipment that will give high resolution when capturing the human iris ... so that I can see the Iris structure. Any suggestions? Thanks!
- Gregory LaGrange![]() Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
Jessica Grande |
Any particular type? I'm a total novice so...:/
Jon Close |
What camera/lens do you already have? Many compact digitals have a macro mode that allows very close focus. There are also adapters for many that allow attaching a close-up lens (screw-on like a filter, such as Canon 250D or 500D). For an SLR, there are specialized macro lenses that will focus very close to give up very detailed image. Longer focal lengths like 100mm or 150mm allow more distance between the subject and the front of the lens. Shorter focal lengths - like 50mm or 60mm - might be uncomfortably close. Other alternatives include using a close-up lens screwed onto the front of a lens you already have, or using extension tubes between the lens and the camera which also allow closer focus.
Jessica Grande |
Well I don't have any equipment at the moment. So I need the whole kit but I'm a student so I want to know the most cost effective way of doing it. Although, having said that I need to be able to have high resolution so that I can study the pictures.
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
If you don't have any equipment now...maybe you should visit a local eye doctor and talk with them. THey should have a good idea of what types of equipment are out there for imaging the eyes...
Alan N. Marcus |
Hi Jessica, Likely you are studying to be an optometrist or ophthalmologist. If true you are surrounded by people far more able to advise then any of us. So, seek out their opinions. John Close, as always, is right on target, recommending a Macro Lens. As he pointed out, most compact digitals feature a Macro Mode. So, look for this feature. Like the human eye, camera lenses are not perfect. While all are well corrected for aberrations, none are entirely free. The typical camera lens is highly corrected for distance. When they are asked to perform at close range, they are slightly compromised. On the other hand, a Micro Lens is corrected for close-up work and is compromised at distance. Likely you will not be using this camera merely to photograph the Iris. Students always have need for a good all-around camera. I am advising that for now; buy a compact with a micro mode. As to tack sharp, pay attention as to how the camera will be mounted. Likely sharpness will be compromised unless you secure it to a sturdy mount. You can clamp or otherwise affix to a pre-existing instrument stand. Consider the slit-lamp or a skiascope etc. Tell us more and we will try and help. Best of luck, Alan Marcus
Jessica Grande |
I'm studying Iridology and I asked my tutor what to get but he could only recommend his own set up, which is expensive. He said my best bet was to ask a photographer or someone who knows a lot about photography. As I'm just starting out I quite like the idea of a compact with micro mode and a stand, it'd be cheaper, right?
Alan N. Marcus |
My vote will be the Canon PowerShot A580 about $150. Has macro mode, powered by two AA batteries that are easy to replace. Likely others will make suggestions. Check this one out, it’s easy to use and it will do just what you want. Best of luck, Alan Marcus
- Gregory LaGrange![]() Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
Look at different compact camera's focusing distances. An Olympus Stylus 760 has different macro modes. One is 3.2 inches.
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