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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Kate Jackson

Which choice of camera

Should I buy a Canon EOS 300D or a Nikon D70. I will also need an extra zoom lens up to 300mm

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April 09, 2004


Dave Cross
  Hi Kate.
asking 'which camera should I buy?' is rather like asking 'which car should I buy?':-)

The 300D and the D70 are both pretty similar in terms of performance. So, initially (I am assuming you don't have existing lenses you want to use) it's all down to how the camera feels in your hands. There is no substitute for visiting your local photoshop and handling both cameras, play with each in the shop with a similar 'standard' lens (28-80 zoom) bash off a bunch of shots. Then buy the one that 'feels right' in your hands.

Personally, I'd get the Canon, but I'm heavily biased because I've been an EOS man for a long time and most of my existing kit will work with the new body.

As far as your long lens is concerned the same applies. Most of the 3rd party lens manufacturers make lenses with fittings for either camera, so choose the camera, then go out lens shopping. With lenses you usually DO get what you pay for, but again, visit your friendly outlet, and try a few, take some shots, examine them on your PC, and get the lens you feel performs best for you.

Either camera will give you superb pictures, enjoy the world if digital photography.

Best regards
Dave C.

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April 23, 2004


Martin Van Vlijmen
  Well Dave pretty much said it all.
Take the camera that you like the most.
I myself have the Nikon D70 and very happy with it I did think about getting the Canon 300D(my canon 10d got stolen along with all but 1 of my lenses) but when I went to the store and tried out both cameras I felt that the 300D didn't feel right in my hands I found it too light whilst I did like the feel and weight of the Nikon D70 So I went for the Nikon D70 now I must admit that some features of the D70 did influence me aswell but the biggest part of my decision came from the feel of the camera.

Good luck in getting your camera and welcome to the world of digital photography

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May 05, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Kodak: The Nikon is absolutely loaded with capabilities, but some people find it a lot more complicated than the Digital Rebel.

For in-depth reviews on both cameras, see


Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 05, 2004

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