BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Anita Bower

Which monitor?

My CRT monitor died a few days ago. I am not looking to buy another monitor. I seem to be having trouble finding information on which LCD monitors are good for photograhy.

Can anyone suggest monitors they like, or, what to look for in a monitor?

Maybe I should consider getting another CRT?

Any help would be appreciated.

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December 06, 2008


Pete H

I don't often offer brand name advice.

That being said, today's LCD monitors rival CRT's if you spend enough.

I should have been born in Missouri. LOL
I am one of those people that you have to "show me!"

I'd suggest going to the store where the computers and monitors are set up and running, bring along some of your better photos on a CF card. Have a look at your images on various monitors. Let your eyes be the judge.

There are lousy quality monitors out there, so be careful. After you decide on one or two choices, write them down, go home and do a internet search concerning their quality etc.

Many here can spout facts and figures, but the proof is still in the pudding.

all the best,


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December 07, 2008

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