BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Shoot Still Life Photographs

I am interested in still life photography for one of my classes and as a hobby. What is the key to taking a great still life? If I want to convey feelings, what tips should I know for doing so?

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February 04, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  good lighting, composition, shooting angles, same things that make good photos for any other subject.
Good lighting can be direct light, diffused light, several light sources, or it could be one light but coming from a certain angle that makes whatever you're shooting look a certain way.
A composition of several items together versus a pictures of one of those items alone that may not work.
Using the shape of something looked at in a certain way. Whether you shoot at an angle that shows it, or you shoot close and only show part of it that reveals something unique.
If you want to convey a feeling you'll have to experiment and think it through.

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February 04, 2004


Robert Bridges
  practice, play, screwing up, and getting lucky.......most of all repeated practice, play and screwing up.

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February 19, 2004

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