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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


I need help to buy a Teleconverter

I have a Nikon N80D and Nikon 28-105 Can I use any 1.4x Teleconverter with my lenses. How do I know which Teleconverters are compatible for which Lenses.

I will appreciate any help/suggestions.


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February 02, 2004



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February 02, 2004


Tony Sweet
  You can try a 1.4x on your lens, but if it's not a constant f/stop throughout the zoom range, e.g. f/3.5-f/4.5, your finder may be too dark in lower light situations because of the additional 1 stop of light loss as a result of adding the 1.4x. In general, teleconverters work best on f/2.8 macro lenses and on fast telephoto lenses and fast zoom lenses in the telephoto range.

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February 07, 2004

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