BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


How can you figure out how to use your flash to make skin tones look natural and not wash their faces out. Is it better to use an auto flash or manual where you put in the info? Also, how does a flash work with a flash light meter? So many questions!

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February 01, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Sounds like your over exposing due to a dark background fooling the sensor, or what many people do is get too close. Like people and their baby pictures. Flashes can have a minimum working distance, so that even at their lowest power setting, it's too much flash.
You can't really say auto is better than manual, or vice versa. Manual can be fine if you have everything set right. But I'd say most people find auto easier and more convienent. And it usually works great, but it's not perfect.

With a flash meter, you set the film speed on the meter, and the sync speed, hold or place the meter the same distance that the subject is from the flash, fire off the flash and the meter gives you the exposure settings.
Meters can be connected to the flash by a sync cord and fire the flash off directly from the meter. Or they can be used non-sync where you push the button on the meter, and then it waits for a flash to go off and it reads it.

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February 02, 2004

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