BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Cheryl Steinhoff

Latitude of color film

I'm confused. I know that c-41 film has a wide latitude (2 stops I think). I'm dropping film off at a one hour processor. Does that mean that if I'm shooting 400 and I need 800 that I should ratet the film in my camera at 800 and the processor will just stick it in the machine and it will come out the way I want? Or do I just shoot at 400 and they compensate somehow? thanks

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January 31, 2004


Jon Close
  With C-41 color print film, if you rate a 400 film at 800, there is no compensation made in developing, and no need to specify and pay extra for "push" processing. The negative may be a little "thinner" than if exposed at the rated ISO, but the compensation is usually applied automatically by the printer.

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January 31, 2004

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