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Film speeds hey, I got a question for ya'll. tomarrow (yes, I know, short notice) I am giving a speech on photogrohpy. I know the basic stuff, and some stuff about film, but I just would like to know the basic uses, advantages and disadvanteges of 100, 200, 400 and 800 speed film. if you could just help me, it would be greatly appreciaited.
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
slower speed=finer grain=clearer big blow ups. faster speed=more grain=not as good for blow ups but good for low light needing a faster shutter speed than what slow speed will give you. 100 is where manufacturers go for the color reproduction the most. That's where they hang their hat on how their film makes super sharp, clear colorful images. 200 is known for taking sharp pictures but gives you a little faster speed because you may not be so serious that you're out there using tripods. 400 is considered the most versatile. You can use it outdoors, semi low light, extends the range of your flash cause it's a higher speed, use it for little kid birthday party snap shots. 800 is for when you in low light and need faster shutter speed, and you may not be able to or are too far away to use flash. Dosen't mean you can't use flash.
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