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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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Question about flash testing

I have a fun shoot tomorrow. I plan to use my strobe units again, which I have figured out and work very well.

My question is this. I will be using my MF camera for the "real" shots. But, I wanted to do some test shots just to really dial in on how the lighting looks.

So my question is this. I plan on using my digital camera for the test shots.

But, my digital cameras sync speed is 1/200. My MF sync speed is 1/400. Assuming all else stays the same, should the results be virtually the same, or will I get some variation due to the sync speed. My guess is that the results will be the same for both cameras, since the shutter speed has nothing to do with the flash sync (that's what I have been told, although I don't understand that at all).

Thanks so much,

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January 30, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Have you tried using one of your cameras and just taking a few shots at sync and some a little below and see how they look?

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January 30, 2004


  In short, yes.

At sync speed they look great on my Canon EOS 1v's. So, once I saw that, I didn't feel like messing around.

On my MF, I played around a little and it appears that using a slower sync speed may provide a better exposure.

However, the problem I am having is that I am not using controlled testing. For instance, on the MF, I used slide film, which is less forgiving.

On another day, I used my 35mm's and used print film Portra 160VC.

So, it's taking me a long time to figure this out. It would probably do me well to do some controlled tests and really nail it down, but I'm too impatient for that.

Anyway, I'll give it another go tomorrow and let you know how it turns out.

Somehow, I seem to get some really super images regardless of my fumbling.

This is the primary reason I purchased a digital. So, I can do immediate testing and be done with it. The digital test will not tell me exactly for another camera, but it should get me close. Then, once I figure out that my MF works better at 1/125 rather than at 1/400, that'll just be good information to know.

My last session was really good though. I'm really getting the hang of this flash stuff.

I still prefer natural light, but flash is fun and has opened up new possibilities for me.


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January 30, 2004

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