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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Dayna C. Lowe

How do I reload a film?

Recently I was taking some pics and it appears that the film wasn't properly loaded onto the spool and somehow either got stuck and didn't move or was never even on the reel.
After rewinding my film (after a mere 2 rotations) I realized something must have messed up.
So, is there anyway I can take the film outof its roll, cut off the first 5 or so to see if they worked and if they worries and i'll develop the rest. If they don't is there anyway I can use the film that didn't get exposed to any light/processesing by putting it back into one of those filmless containers?

And how do I load that film into a new container?

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July 09, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  You can use a "leader retriever" which is available at some camera stores, to remove the film leader from the cassette. Or in a darkroom (or closet) use a can opener to gently pry the cassette end off, remove the leader and try to carefully replace the leader through the slot in the cassette and replace the cap so it's light tight. If it's not, you've basically trashed the remainder of the roll. Why risk it?

Or, option 3: film is probably the cheapest commodity that you have. Forget about trying to save it. Just take the entire roll down to a lab and have them process the whole roll and print whatever is on it, if anything. You're not going to save any money on getting 6 frames developed vs. 36. In fact, they'll probably charge twice for that. You can do it yourself. Piece of cake.

Try not to do this any more although I should note that it's happened to the best of us at the worst possible moments. There are tricks to do this without a retriever by rolling the film backwards and forwards and snagging the leader on the edge of a very thin flat blade knife. But be careful with that one cause as you expand the slot in the cassette, you're allowing light to enter.

And meanwhile, speaking of which, take it light Dayna ;>)

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July 09, 2008


Dayna C. Lowe
  Thanks :)

Your advice will definantly come in handy!
Regardless of what I do with the film I'll definantly be on the look out for a leader retriever.

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July 10, 2008


  Dayna, it also happened to me a couple of times when I tried to change film in the middle and forgot to set the film-leader-out function on my camera. I simply took it to the store that I usually have my films developed and they retrieve the film leader for me without charge. Before you buy the leader retriever, see if the store can do that for you for free. That is so simple for them and chances are they will not charge you.

Also if you think the first few frames are of no use, simply advance the film pass those few instead of cutting the film. If you cut the film, I am not sure if it will mess up the camera's frame counter reading if it is an automatic everything camera.

Hope this helps.

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July 10, 2008


Dayna C. Lowe
  I have a Minolta XG-1, so it definatly doesn't have that function.

I just want to develop the first few frames to see if I actually got any of my shots. If I did :D (yay) and I'll develop the rest...if not I'll try to use what I have left of the film. But I really do hope that I got shots (crosses fingers).

I'll probably just ask the store to retrieve the leader for me now that I know no money has to be spent in that part of the process (yesssss)

Thanks :]

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July 10, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  With the XG-1, make sure that you get the film in the load slot far enough that the lock tooth catches on at least the second drive square in the film. If it catches on the first hole, it can pull out on the first or second wind if they are not very gentle. You need enough film in the slot to lock it in well. I've had this happen many times with my Minoltas.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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July 10, 2008


Bob Cammarata
  A film leader retriever is definately a worthwhile investment.
(This has happened to everyone at some point.)

With manual rewind, it's easy to "feel" when the film leader dis-engages and you can stop rewinding and remove the spool with the leader exposed.

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July 12, 2008

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