Would like to know what film (800 or 1600) I sh..."> Would like to know what film (800 or 1600) I sh..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Vadim Boriskevich

How to shoot Ice skating and Hockey games


I'm bringing my Nikon 100 film based camera with me to "Disney On Ice" and NY Rangers game.
Would like to know what film (800 or 1600) I should use and what settings, other than Program I can try to get a better pictures.

Thank you,

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January 04, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Hi, Vadim. ISO 800 ought to be plenty fast enough for your subject matter. And setting your Nikon to the manual setting will give you the most control and should be easy enough to manage with minimal preparation. The arena should be well enough lit and a flash from the distance you're shooting from would probably be ineffectual (more than 40 feet). I would get a general meter reading of the arena before the action and occasionally during to check yourself and keep your shutter speed above 1/125th of a second (adjusting primarily your aperture) to freeze the action. Bear in mind that with a larger aperture you will probably have a somewhat reduced depth of focus so check it often. You might even try 1/30 or even 1/15 if you are using a tripod to try messing around with motion, panning with a skater/player to see what you get. Have fun and post pics.

Thank you

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January 07, 2008

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