BetterPhoto Member |
Scanning negatives
I would like to scan some negatives and create digital files (from a wedding). Some of the negatives are only one negative, twice as big and normal, and do not have holes (as in a roll of film) on the sides. How can I scan these? Is there a flat bed scanner that I could use that will deliver pretty good quality without costing more than $500? Thanks!
September 16, 2007
Mark Feldstein |
Ask the photographer who shot them what format they're in (along with whether or not they gave permission to have them duplicated). Depending on their size, you may need an appropriately sized holder for them, like for medium format, etc. IMHO Epson makes an excellent scanner, the V-700 available at in New York for about $500 bucks. Comes with PS and other software, the masks you need for 35, 4x5 and medium format, is plug and play and their customer support (in Canada) is top shelf if you need it. Take it light. Mark
September 16, 2007
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