BetterPhoto Member |
loading the film I just brought a canon T50 and I cant figure out how to load the film
- Craig m. Zacarelli Contact Craig m. Zacarelli Craig m. Zacarelli's Gallery |
on my older Rebel there was a little red mark that you pulled the film to then just shut the door. The cannister goes in at an angle and might take some wiggeling and jiggeling to get in the spot it goes... do you have the instructions? if not, google for em... type in your camera and owners manual and you should find something.
- Craig m. Zacarelli Contact Craig m. Zacarelli Craig m. Zacarelli's Gallery |
on my older Rebel there was a little red mark that you pulled the film to then just shut the door. The cannister goes in at an angle and might take some wiggeling and jiggeling to get in the spot it goes... do you have the instructions? if not, google for em... type in your camera and owners manual and you should find something.
Andy |
This may help:
- Gregory LaGrange Contact Gregory LaGrange Gregory LaGrange's Gallery |
You see what digital has done to people.
Joan Bellinger |
A couple of months ago I listed a used Pentax film camera on ebay. Someone sent me a message through ebay, not that they were interested in purchasing, but had the same one and didn't know how to open it. I sent instructions.
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