Shennon M. Barnett |
first thing before light metering in a camera that uses film what is the first thing you must do before using any light metering or measuring system?
W. |
Switch-on the camera and take off the lens cap?
Ariel Lepor |
Lol, you are too funny, W. The first thing you must do is go to where you will be photographing. The second step is to turn on the camera.
Michael H. Cothran |
This IS a pretty loaded inquiry. It's truly amazing how many students post what seem like verbatum questions from their instructors. However, all joking aside, I believe the correct answer would have something to do with knowing the ASA/ISO of the film you are using. You must know this before you can set any form of light meter accordingly. So, "the first thing you must do" is look at the film box or cannister to determine what the film's rated ASA/ISO is. Michael H. Cothran
Christopher A. Vedros |
I say Michael gets the A+ on this quiz.
Shennon M. Barnett |
thankyou, yes it was verbatum but I couldnt seem to find it in the text.
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