BetterPhoto Member |
Depth of Field Using exposure settong of F/2 @ 1/250, what would be an equivalent exposure which utilizes maximum depth of field?
John H. Siskin |
Hi Christina, Depends on the apertures available on your lens. I used to have a 50 f1.4 with a minimum aperture of f16, now I have a 50 f1.8 with a minimum aperture of f22. I have other lenses with different minimum apertures. Also the amount of depth of field you get changes with different focal lengths. Anyway if your shutter speed is 1/250 at f22 it should be 1/2 second. Thanks, John Siskin
Alan N. Marcus |
Hi Christina, Tiny apertures yield greater depth-of-field. Assuming f/2 @ 1/250th yields the correct exposure, we stop down to gain depth-of-field and we change exposure time to maintain the same level of exposure. f/2 @ 1/250 (no change) Alan Marcus
Alan N. Marcus |
My first posting wrong allow an amendment f/2 @ 1/250 (no change) f/2.8 @ 1/125 (slight gain) f/4 @ 1/60 (somewhat more dept-of-field) f/5.6 @ 1/30 (moderate depth-of-field also shutter speed at limit for hand holding. f/8@ 1/15 (good depth-of-field expanse – camera on tripod) f/11 @ 1/8 (wide expanse depth-of-field) camera on tripod) f/16 @ 1/4 (super dept-of-field) f/22 @ 1/2 (some cameras have this tiny aperture) f/32 @ 1 sec. (great depth-of-field) f/64 @ 2 sec. (join the f64 club)
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