BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photo series

im in high school and we were told to shoot a roll based on a series and I did. At the time I though the photos would be good but when I developed them they came out fine but there waz no real series. So I waz wondering if anybody had a good idea for one. If it help I live 15min outside Chicago so if anyone has an idea let me know.

Thomas M.

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February 28, 2007


Margie Hurwich
  Hi Thomas,

Here are some ideas: historic buildings of Chicago, the last remaining draw bridges of Chicago, street signs of Chicago, the El, Navy Pier, the homeless, the Parks of Chicago (Grant, Millenium, Lincoln, Washington) just to name a few. Not sure which direction outside of Chicago you live, but if north, you could do a whole series on the north shore homes.

Hope this helps. Love Chicago!

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February 28, 2007

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