- Eric B. Miller Contact Eric B. Miller Eric B. Miller's Gallery |
Film photofinishing options I've got a question about photofinishing. I'm still going old-school and doing all my pictures on film as opposed to digital. I recently moved from a major metropolitan area to a rural one, so I can't just drop off my film at my old photofinishing shops any more. They have said I can mail the film to them. That leads me to two questions: > > 1. Are there any precautions I need to take in mailing the film to them (i.e. bubble wrap, shipping containers, etc.)? > > 2. Are there any regional or national labs you can recommend that I might try as long as I need to mail the film for processing? > > Thanks.
robert G. Fately |
Eric, I can recommend A & I Labs in Holllywood, CA - they do an excellent job and sell mailers for both C-41 and E-6 processing. Their website is - you can check it out. You can also buy their mailers from B&H Photo in New York. When I shoot film, I use the mailers even though I live 15 miles away from them in So Cal - haven't had an issue yet. And I mail the mailers from around the country when I travel - very convenient!
|| - Eric B. Miller Contact Eric B. Miller Eric B. Miller's Gallery |
Thanks for the tip - I checked out the web site and it looked good.
Mark Feldstein |
Howdy Eric: I used A & I for years when I lived in Bob's neck of the woods. I second his endorsement since when I have to work down there, I'll use A&I for color or for b&w when I don't have time to take it home and process it myself. BTW Bob, I know how a 15 mile drive down there can take up to hours. I'd use mailers too. ;>) Oh and say, if you live in the Valley or Hollywood, you can drop your film for A&I at one of Isgo's labs. Further north is another excellent color lab for e-6 or c-41 that I've used for years (because it's pretty close to where I live and they do excellent work). I offer that as a good choice to A&I. As far as shipping, if there's enough film, I'll put it in an appropriate sized box with zip lock bags to separate ISOs and then just packing fill. If there's just a few rolls, I'll separate them (I usually shoot dupes on separate rolls for assignments or even for myself sometimes) and send them off separated in a jiffy bag, usually by UPS overnight depending on how far from the lab I am. Or for New Lab when I'm at home just postal service 1st class cause it's overnight anyway without the extra charges. You know BTW Eric, there's a lot to be said for processing your own b&w negs, if you're shooting b&w. Let us know if you need some help with that if you want to get into it and visit which is a site dedicated strictly to film shooters and us old(er) school dudes. LOL !!! Take it light.
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